Read our veterinary nursing articles to learn more about patient care, hints and tips, and technical information.
Cryotherapy in the immediate post-op period

You’d probably be familiar with using cold packs when you injure yourself, such as when [...]

Veterinary Nursing Cheats for Monitoring Fluid Therapy

Fluid therapy treatment is one of the backbones of medical therapy in veterinary medicine and [...]

Clinical Pathology: A lesson learned about Pre-GA bloods.

Tabatha Whitehead VN, TAA talks about her own experiences when declining to run some clinical [...]

Wound Management: Key Concepts for Veterinary Nurses

Veterinary Nurses love Wound Care, right? Hands up who gets excited over a good abscess?! [...]

Staying On Track – Online Study

You started out excited and with all guns blazing. After all you have been dreaming [...]

G-Tube 101: Understanding Feeding Tube Care for Vet Nurses

The Gastrostomy Tube (aka G-Tube), including the Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy tube (PEG tube), needs to [...]

Pretty in Pink : Soda Lime. When should it be changed?

Most veterinary clinics get their vet nurses to change their soda lime on a regular [...]

Wrapping Instruments. 10 things you need to know as a vet nurse.

Veterinary Nurses spend a lot of time in theatre and processing surgical instruments for sterilisation. [...]