Category Archives: Studying

Setting yourself up for success in 2023

When a new year clicks over it is not uncommon to be bubbling with new [...]

Understanding Anxiety & Overwhelm

Overwhelm & anxiety: Definition, differences and how to deal with them.

Managing emotional challenges

Imagine you’ve had a hard day and suddenly find yourself sitting on-hold to a service [...]

Following through on your study schedule

The next step is ensuring that you follow through on this plan by creating appropriate [...]

Study Overwhelm for new students – Part 2

So you have now got a plan together about how to tackle your study, and [...]

Study Overwhelm for new students – Part 1

So you’ve enrolled in your new course, are excited about your future career and can’t [...]

Wellbeing during COVID-19

Change can be scary.  As humans, any form of sudden and unexpected change (such as [...]

Finding Clinical Placement

More often than not, to enable you to enrol in or continue your chosen veterinary [...]